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Career Movers and Shakers, the time is NOW!


Are you looking forward to “back to school”?

With home schooling, online schooling and the LONG summer holidays, I know for some of us, it can’t come soon enough. There’s nothing like a routine and I for one am longing to get back to one.

With everything that’s been going on these past 18 months, I know that many of us haven’t had the time, energy or wherewithal to think about ourselves and out own career journeys and plan for the future.

Maybe the time is now?

There’s a lot of talk of getting back to the office (for those of us who left it).

There’s a lot of talk about flexible working, blended arrangements and work from home.

There’s a lot of talk about “the big resignation” with people having re-thought their values and priorities during lockdown.

Do something for you!

So, how about taking some time out for you to look at your own career and plan that move you’ve been thinking about? It doesn’t necessarily mean an entirely new career; it can be up, down, sideways or a pivot. It can be similar to your current or pervious role, or as different as you want. It can be with the same or similar employer, or somewhere completely different.

Let’s investigate what you’ve got, what you want and plan how to get there!

I’m looking for 6 people to start my Career Move Blueprint Program this September.

  • It’s a 6-week program

  • There is 6 weeks of online content released to you weekly and then available forever

  • It includes 3 personalised one-to-one online sessions with me

  • You walk away with a plan for your career move together with accountability and support.

  • You can read more about it on my website

This is for you if:

  • You are feeling “meh” about your current job, or about going back to the office

  • You feel like there must be something else out there for you

  • You’d like to make a change, but you’re a little (or a lot) afraid

  • You’re bored, unfulfilled and dissatisfied with your current role or not being recognised for your contribution

  • You feel like there is more you can offer

  • You’re willing and able to invest time, energy and resources in yourself and your future

  • You are willing to take action and be responsible for the trajectory of your own career

This program is not for you if:

  • Realistically, you’re never going to move from your current job

  • You are happy to tolerate a less than ideal work situation on an ongoing basis

  • You’re unwilling to take responsibility for your own career and happy to leave control of it to others

  • You think change is too hard (you talk about it, but never do anything about it)

  • You believe that you are not capable or deserving of more

So if you'd like to be one of those 6 career movers and shakers, I'd love to have you on board!

Let’s do it!

The time is NOW!



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